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2 min read
Poems by Cindy Juyoung Ok
River It’s not true that sand is uncountable. Everything is when you have enough time, vats. The woods, inevitably, are satire to the...

2 min read
Poems by Melanie Merle
In the Coal Dark On the edge of town, brick tenements rise impoverished monoliths at the end of the world Grackles gather concrete stoops...

3 min read
Poems by Rose Strode
Two Days Before My Mother’s Diagnosis She’d just come in, sniffling from the cold, to call. She told me how she’d shoveled snow, two feet...

2 min read
Poems by Adrian Quintanar
Aubade Before the sun blushes they pack pick-ups, snail the road. Earthworms jerk loose leftover moon from mud under walnut hulls. In...

1 min read
Vampire Squid
by Charity Anastasio The vampire squid— who looks like an octopus with a luscious red skirt— will curl her lower body up around her whole...

2 min read
White Dress
by Anna Chu I scrutinized over the lines on my palm. Kids my age spoke of a tale where an M on your palm meant you will marry in your...

2 min read
Asian Romance Guide to Marriage by Correspondence
by Dani Putney July 8, 1989 Dear Jasmin, Greetings from the Golden State of California your photo and brief description compelled me to...

3 min read
Poems by Dot Devota
F R O M A M E A D O W A S Y L U M T H I R T Y L A R K S R E I G N I L L To those who say NO to dark nests burdening the branch breaking...

2 min read
Fingerprints on the Window
by Mateo Lara we carry the strands of our DNA on this thin glass. Hand to Hand. And you touch it. I touch it. we cross our hands together...

2 min read
Portrait of the Gray Room
by Tacey M. Atsitty To 鄭福成 I write about a vase, recycled glass: every grave life brought to display its slender stalks, puffy winter...

2 min read
An Ocean
by Robin Gow I’m burying my voice in a collapsing star because that’s how I want to talk right now. I open my mouth and I feel the roof...

1 min read
Poems by Hailey Spencer
Towns That Trigger There are places where it’s not safe to walk After dark When you’ve had too much or not enough to drink In the...

1 min read
On Epistemic Companions
by Kim Roger Abi Zeid Daou Full of Dream by Kim Roger Abi Zeid Daou Kim Roger Abi Zeid Daou is a storyteller, poet, and PhD student at...

1 min read
When You Look
by Tufik Shayeb you touch the screen with a trembling hand, secretly hoping you could scratch away the words like the black letters of an...

1 min read
by Sara Dovre Wudali Photo by Mahadev Dovre Wudali Sara Dovre Wudali is a writer and editor from Saint Paul. Her work has been published...

4 min read
Jessica Lanay
A Poem About Loneliness
This is a poem about loneliness,
it is a self-conscious poem,
a stomping through space poem,

2 min read
Valerie Wetlaufer
Issue Two: May 23, 2019 I had to block out the light Cover the windows hide reflections light bouncing off snow blue...

2 min read
Juan Morales
In the foreground, we happened before,
off-camera, and after newscasters ran out of air.

1 min read
Chip Livingston
Los Santos de la República
There have been so many gods I’ve loved
My sex is devoted and dedicated to Eros
Excessive examinations religious

2 min read
Dacia Holliday
When You Come Back as Queen of the Night
teeth will dance in a velvet mouth,
an old crow will cauterize peridot

1 min read
Michael Wasson
of music: left to smolder the broken bed
while the body is abandoned

2 min read
Lisa L. Moore
a golden shovel for Gwendolyn Brooks
my cupped hands full of honey, and
you can’t see it there but

2 min read
Danielle Cadena Deulen
In Movies, The Apocalypse
is always nigh, drives the ache
in the head of the unsung genius
deeper as he circumnavigates

3 min read
Jenny Yang Cropp
About the Author
THE GIRL wonders: If the emotional equivalent of tornadic wind is a particular kind of fury, under what conditions will

1 min read
Cortney Lamar Charleston
The whole world is burning,
but I’m still not sweating.

2 min read
Maggie Helwig
The Burnt Lands
Relict, postglacial. The retreat of the ice
carving across the limestone pavement.

2 min read
Sonnet l'Abbé
glinting in the endless, scrolling
river of my feed
a shard of hatred cut me

2 min read
Upcoast, or, Unsettled
Souls and signs
in liquid language raven recalls
not the haunting, but its absence

2 min read
Archana Sridhar
East Point Lighthouse, PEI
We stand at East Point Lighthouse,
stare at a sign that reads:
“The end of the world as we know it”

4 min read
Avery M. Guess
No Peace
In December 1986, Carlos Paz Jr., an 18-year-old high school student, shot his mother, father, and 10-year-old sister to death

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