What current, recent, or upcoming projects are you excited about right now?
When I first submitted to HBR, I was working on a memoir. My piece Peregrination, which you so kindly published, was a chapter from that project. Over the past year I've taken a bit of a break from the project to reflect on whether or not to move forward with it or allow it to evolve. I've since decided to transform the manuscript into a short story collection, a sort of auto-fiction book. I found that evolution caused me to be excited about creating again after a long stagnant period. The other project I'm thrilled about is the literary podcast that I started, The Situation & the Story Podcast, on which I discuss writers' work and lives with them. It's been so enriching and enlightening to talk to so many incredible creatives.
Who is an emerging or marginalized writer you’d like others to know about? Or a panel or reading you’d like to share? One earth-shattering (no, really) reading I attended recently was COUNTERpult: A Roots. Wounds. Words. Storyteller Showcase, put on by Roots. Wounds. Words Inc (RWW) in partnership with Kelly Thompson and The Rumpus' Voices on Addiction column. All of the featured storytellers rocked my world: Elara Caceres, Heather Stokes, Sheree L. Greer, and Starr Davis. It was electrifying and so, so powerful.
Where is your favorite place to find updates and announcements about new titles, contests, writers, events, trends, and communities?
I tend to follow the writers and presses I enjoy most on social media and find out that way.
What is your go to Artifact/Artefact of Inspiration? When you need a little creative boost, what do you turn to?
Without a doubt, it's alone time in Moab, UT, or travel abroad. A major change of scenery has a way of shifting my perspective, especially when I'm feeling stuck.